Utah Cases
Boundary Law Library

Utah Cases
Anderson v. Fautin, 379 P.3d 1186, 2016 UT 22 (2016) (Acquiescence).
Ault v. Holden, 2002 UT 33. [Note: This version from court website includes drawing.]
Bahr v. Imus, 250 P.3d 56, 2011 UT 19 (Utah 2011) (boundary by estoppel, acquiescence, & agreement).
Klinger v. Kightly, 791 P.2d 868 (Utah 1990) (Discovery rule as to statute of limitations for surveyor liability.)
Staker v. Ainsworth, 785 P.2d 417 (Utah 1990).
Q-2 v. Hughes, 368 P.3d 86, 2016 UT 8 (2016) (Acquiescence).
From old Website of Weber County Surveyor.